Coralie Shepherd – Loan Writer

Coralie knows how banks work from the inside. That helps her get the best deals for Hastie Mortgages’ clients. She’s worked in banking and finance for over 30 years, mostly in home loans, but also business and farm loans.

Meet Coralie Shepherd, our loan writer, who has over 30 years’ experience in banking and finance, predominantly in Home Lending with some experience in Business Lending and Rural Finance.

Coming from this finance background she knows how banks work and will readily assess and analyse a client’s finance proposal to achieve the best outcome for the clients. This makes her a great asset for our Hastie Mortgages clients.

After taking a couple of years away from finance, doing some lighter roles, the opportunity to be a loan writer at Hastie Mortgages caught her eye. Hastie Mortgages is a nice commute from her home and the work is in an industry she is familiar with.

Coralie says that Hastie Mortgages guides clients on a journey, sometimes over one to two years, to improve their financial position so they become eligible for a mortgage. Hastie Mortgages doesn’t turn clients away, they work with them.

They start the process by looking at the clients’ spending line-by-line and working out exactly what the client is spending their money on. If there’s some discretionary spending the client needs to tighten up on, the advisor discusses that with them, which Coralie says is quite an eye-opener for some people. She also adds that Hastie Mortgages is realistic about being upfront with the client about whether they’re eligible for a loan.

Compared to the way many banks work, Coralie is impressed by the long-term relationships Hastie Mortgages builds with clients. They follow up, touch base with them, and send quarterly newsletters.

Coralie is reserved when it comes to talking about herself, but she does acknowledge that to be successful in this industry, you need to have a wide skill set. She says industry experience really helps, plus you also need very good analytical skills, be detail-oriented, and be good at talking and negotiating with people. You also need to write well, and it goes without saying you need to be accurate.

Away from work, you’ll find Coralie relaxing with her head in a book, pottering around in her garden, handcrafting, or restoring old furniture. Reading is her escapism, and she says that doing up old furniture is just as relaxing, because you forget about all the other things going on and enjoy the achievement when it is completed.

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